For Mediators
This page is for people interested in becoming mediators and for our existing team of volunteer mediators.
Thinking of volunteering?
Devon Mediation Service welcomes enquiries from potential volunteer mediators. As a volunteer mediator you can take on as much or little work as you wish, making this a very flexible volunteering role.
We welcome the opportunity to talk through the work we do and we will send you an information pack. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer we will ask you to complete a short application form and attend an interview (usually via Zoom).
You do not need to have had previous experience. You will be required to attend our training course which follows a nationally recognised curriculum and is 4 days in duration – usually over two weekends. Our mediators usually work in pairs with a Lead Mediator and a Co-mediator. You will be paired with an experienced Lead Mediator until you feel confident to take this role.
Information for current mediators
If you are already a volunteer mediator, the following information is provided to ensure that you are aware of our handbook and key policies. You will be given a password to access these pages.