Privacy Notice
Devon Mediation Service Privacy Notice
What data (information) do we hold and why?
Devon Mediation Service holds the following information in order to be able to pursue and follow up on your mediation:
your name, postal and email addresses, telephone number(s)
brief details of your dispute and case progress notes
details of the outcome of your case, including whether or not a mediation took place and a record of any agreement reached.
Sharing your information: we store your information securely in line with our Data Protection Policy and do not share it without your express permission, unless if we have a lawful reason for doing so.
Finding out what information we hold about you
Should you wish to find out what data (information) we hold on you please put your request in writing and send by email to [email protected],
You will be required to produce evidence of your identity and we reserve the right to charge a small administration fee.
For a copy of our General Data Protection Regulation policy, please contact the DMS coordinator on 074230274429 or [email protected]